About Me
(in about 428 words)
Hi! I'm Adam Liu, a third year Computer Science and Cognitive Science undergraduate at UCSD. I mainly focus on full stack development and machine learing. (which can be a fancy way of saying I make apps and do statistics). This website is dedicated to demonstrate my past experience and expertise in machine learning and full stack engineering. If you are a recruiter, this is the perfect place to see if my abilities align with your job openings! If you are my classmates just coming across this website, feel free to click around to see some of my projects, and I'll be happy to answer any questions.
I have also included a crituqe page, which comments on one of my favorite informational videos on Machine Learning - How Machines Learn. Highly recommend it to anyone who's remotely interested in how the alorithms that govern our lives work! There's also a digital media page, where I made a tutorial on machine learning using Python and Sklearn. This tutorial is dedicated to those who have some experience with programming, and are curious about how machine learning works with respect to coding.
In full stack development, I mainly work on React and React native for the frontend and Express, Firebase, and MongoDB on the backend. I am also learning SwiftUI (for building fast, native iOS apps) and AWS (used by many companies in the industry). I have made some projects in React native. If you are interested, check out my projects page by clicking on the top bar!
In machine learning, I'm comfortable with Python/pandas/sklearn/matplotlib for data cleaning, prediction tasks, hypothesis testing, and data visualization. I plan to learn d3.js for more dynamic and complicated visualizations tasks. I have done various projects in machine learning as well, specifically in recommender systems and sentiment analysis. Again, check out my projects page!
Currently, I'm working on a grocery tracking app using React native + AWS in preparation for a summer internship at Intuit, where I hope to gain some relavent experience in software development. This app (name TBD) would be able to track all the groceries you bought and their expiration date, so that you don't forget about and throw a lot of them away like me.
In my free time, I regularly watch Formula 1 races. If you haven't heard of or watched F1, I highly recommend the documentary Drive to Survive on Netflix. Apart from that, I'm also a huge (civil) aviation enthusiast, which basically means that I am excited to tell people what model an airplane is at the airport.