B.S. Computer Science, Cognitive Science
Intuit Inc. - Software Engineer Intern (prospective)
June 2021 - Sept 2021
- Internal tools team
- Will develop a React native + AWS app for internal use
Ailink Technology Co. - Software Engineer Intern
Nov 2019 - Nov 2020
- Developed React native app for a P2P start up that aims to connect potential roommates and renters with leasing companies
- Implemented sign up page and pagination feature
University of California, San Diego - Instructional Assistant
Jan 2021 - June 2021
- Instructional assistant in COGS14B - Statistical method and COGS109 - Data Analysis.
- Responsible for leading weekly discussion sections, automating some grading process, and holding office hours
UCSD Chinese Students and Scholars Association - Development Team Lead
Oct 2019 - Present
- Responsible for managing and maintaining an Apache web server for official site
- Hold weekly sections on web development topics to new members and one-on-one tutoring
- To cope with remote sections, made the sections into tutorial videos